Good morning USA!!!! Or, I guess anywhere! New year new website layout haha, very excited for this new one, hope to make some improvements… But I do like the diary focus I’ve developed

Weather is a bit drab but I can’t say I don’t like the change of pace—there was a lot of wishy-washy weather last month that made the holidays kinda suck! I hope it stays cold until it’s not cold anymore

Not much to update; work is going about as exciting as one might expect a filing job to be, but I have heard wind of a bit of a Racquetball situation happening at Fun n’ Fitness….. might have to check it out

Update on last week—Racquetball is ON baby!!! Probably too excited but I’ve been too bored for too long! Getting some blood flowing is nice!

Sorry for the breaks between updates, just got lost in the new routine. There’s not a lot of new info for the site… lemme think….. oh! There is this one band I’ve been getting pretty into, but I don’t wanna say who quite yet for fear of musical judgements… hehe

This week was a little ROUGH!!! I’m so glad that there wont be another scenario like soon cus boss lady is quitting soon… might apply to get her spot—I don’t know if I’m technically qualified, but the payraise would be nice I think! We shall see.
